Tuesday, October 2, 2012


WOW. Is it really? Is it seriously October already?!! Time is literally flying by and I have no idea where it's going. My birthday is in about a week and I must admit, I'm excited to see what that is going to be like. Hopefully it turns out special. I loved being seventeen it was a metamorphic state for me and that feeling was awesome. And now I'm looking forward to turning nineteen (maybe I have a thing for odd numbers?). All I know is that I can't wait. So since I havent been here for a while I guess it's time for some updates again:

1) My birthday is almost here (already said, I know, but thought I should repeat)
2) I'm still on the job hunt. I 'm babysitting but that's just not enough anymore.
3) I might just go bankrupt on this student salary especially with all of the shopping I've been doing lately. (This is a total side note but I think I might have a spending problem. What girl doesn't though, right?!)
4) Last Saturday I went ice-skating for the first time this fall and it felt amazing :) I CANNOT wait for the season to start again.
5) New York feels like Autumn again. I had to wear a jacket and everything today!! (Which calls for more shopping, I need some new boots)
6) My mom gave me her wedding bands today as our first family heirloom of this generation. I'm so happy because I'd been eying them ever since 6th grade and finally, they are mine.
7) I guess that's it, I talk way too much, but you guys knew that already.

So that's my life, in a nutshell. At least for now anyway. I'm going out to search for job applications and I'm hoping for something fun and semi permanent, so wish me luck! Ciao lovies. xo Abigail

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