Friday, August 5, 2011


They come and go, and no matter how cliche that may sound, it is indeed true. While thinking of a name for this blog, I tried to sum up the state in which my life finds itself. And the best thing I could conjure up was "A new leaf," all in all the statement is true. Although not as witty and clever as most, but true.

Taking a step back to review my current condition at the moment, I would say (in the words of a friend) that life right now is organized chaos. Everything is seemingly in place but at the same time out of control. I am anxious of what awaits me next but still trying to close the last chapter of my life, High School. Yes, four years of trial and error and "growing up".One thing I do know is that my experience was not like those in every other Hollywood movie. HS in New York City is rough, especially if the school is not of prestigious reputation and being in an urban environment also affects the whole experience. There were no "mean girls" or ubber peppy cheerleaders. The smart kids weren't called nerds and the artsy ones definitely did not walk around in tribal formation. Being in the city forced kids to mingle even if at the end of the day they went back to the niche. And when kids "picked" on one another it wasn't only nasty remarks or silly pranks. Fights blew out and even stolen work was an issue. HS was nothing to joke about, a cruel, cold, dark place. Where we all managed to make friends and build memories that would (could) last a lifetime. But if you played your cards right (which i did, most of the time) you would be out at the end of four years time. And the irony in it all was that graduation always turned out a very melancholic event. Filled with tears and hugs, laughter and celebration all with relief and underlying panic of what was to come for most of us, a Higher Education.

So HS is over. What now?
I am looking forward to college now that August 26th is well on its way, but I am anxious to see what it'll be like. So much so that maybe I wish I was born a year later so that I would be a senior instead of  a freshman once more. What kills the most is all the "back to school" propaganda, commercials and department store sales that remind me again of when I was, "in the system". I do know that I will feel some sort of nostalgia when I walk through those doors, but what I do think of most now is what lies beyond it. What my future holds and what's to become of my life.

How I spend the next four years will determine a lot about the turnout of my existence. I just hope that I spend the time wisely and pray to God that He helps me find my way to my true calling.

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