Saturday, September 22, 2012

My New Season

It's 1:06am and I'm suppose to be at work tomorrow by 7:30 I honestly don't know how I do it. But I had to say something, anything about tonight. Even if the only one paying myself any mind was me. Tonight I went to church for the second day in what we call a Youth campaign. And God embraced me tonight in a way that was different than ever before, but still so familiar that it felt as if an old friend had come home. I guess that everything that I was going through seemed like such a big deal because I was focusing on all the wrong things. I wasn't looking at the bigger picture and what I needed to be in tune with was right under my nose. And now that I am seeing clearly I feel a little frustration for not seeing things sooner.

I came thinking I was going to be able to give you guys this detailed life changing description of how things have completely just changed in one night. But it was that amazing that I can't even put it into words. Because there simply are no words. God just is, and there's sometimes no way to say who and exactly how grand he is because he's just that. . .great. That word is not the right one and doesn not do him justice, but again, I'm at a loss for words here.

. . .

I guess I can just say that everything has turned around, at least for me. And it feels amazing. In God you find everything you need and he's given me my liberty back. The stars have alined and all I am and all I think I can be is thankful.

God bless you all and I hope that you all have a chance to experience the love that is only truly found in Christ.

xo Abigail

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