I'm glad to say that I am doing all right, Sandy did not make my world end. . .for now. There are sadly many deaths in the area and the numbers seem to keep on climbing. It will be a long road till things are "back to normal" but I know that we will pull through, we have to.
On another note I am almost going back to school, finally. I've felt sort of useless for the past few months because I have nothing other to do than stay home or go to work (which is a part time too). Also I want to get excited about new school supplies and taking notes. I want to smell the too familiar paper scent that old books and new bring. And honestly, I'm just bored of staying home. I think I feel my IQ point diminishing as we speak.
Again, every time I log back on I always have something important to say and then either I forget or I don't have the right words. But just an update to show I haven't fallen off the face of the planet, yet anyway. Love you all and for all of my East Coasters, stay safe and hope you are well. xo Abigail.
Friday, November 2, 2012
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
I've been gone for a moth and it's honestly been my lazy streak. I just have not had time to sit and write recently. But I just want to come up here to update about something happening in our country right now. I live in New York City and as many of you may know we were just hit by hurricane Sandy a couple days ago. It was honestly a scary experience and I know that none of us expected it to have such a drastic impact. There are cities that look like a tornado swept them off the ground. And I guess that this is having such an effect on the eastern seaboard, not only because it is devastating, but because these things never happen here. we never have hurricanes and crazy storms that flood and destroy the way Sandy has. It is unfortunate, but I can know say that I know how other people have felt. Thank God that my family and friends are all safe and sound but my heart goes out to those that have lost everything. I don't even want to imagine what they are feeling. I hope that those that are being affected stay safe, and that God through his mercy brings us healing. I know that we will pull through because that's what us American do. We have that ability I feel, to rise up and lend a hand when it is necessary. I know that this has marked history and I hope that our recovery will be quick.
xo Abigail
xo Abigail
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
WOW. Is it really? Is it seriously October already?!! Time is literally flying by and I have no idea where it's going. My birthday is in about a week and I must admit, I'm excited to see what that is going to be like. Hopefully it turns out special. I loved being seventeen it was a metamorphic state for me and that feeling was awesome. And now I'm looking forward to turning nineteen (maybe I have a thing for odd numbers?). All I know is that I can't wait. So since I havent been here for a while I guess it's time for some updates again:
1) My birthday is almost here (already said, I know, but thought I should repeat)
2) I'm still on the job hunt. I 'm babysitting but that's just not enough anymore.
3) I might just go bankrupt on this student salary especially with all of the shopping I've been doing lately. (This is a total side note but I think I might have a spending problem. What girl doesn't though, right?!)
4) Last Saturday I went ice-skating for the first time this fall and it felt amazing :) I CANNOT wait for the season to start again.
5) New York feels like Autumn again. I had to wear a jacket and everything today!! (Which calls for more shopping, I need some new boots)
6) My mom gave me her wedding bands today as our first family heirloom of this generation. I'm so happy because I'd been eying them ever since 6th grade and finally, they are mine.
7) I guess that's it, I talk way too much, but you guys knew that already.
So that's my life, in a nutshell. At least for now anyway. I'm going out to search for job applications and I'm hoping for something fun and semi permanent, so wish me luck! Ciao lovies. xo Abigail
1) My birthday is almost here (already said, I know, but thought I should repeat)
2) I'm still on the job hunt. I 'm babysitting but that's just not enough anymore.
3) I might just go bankrupt on this student salary especially with all of the shopping I've been doing lately. (This is a total side note but I think I might have a spending problem. What girl doesn't though, right?!)
4) Last Saturday I went ice-skating for the first time this fall and it felt amazing :) I CANNOT wait for the season to start again.
5) New York feels like Autumn again. I had to wear a jacket and everything today!! (Which calls for more shopping, I need some new boots)
6) My mom gave me her wedding bands today as our first family heirloom of this generation. I'm so happy because I'd been eying them ever since 6th grade and finally, they are mine.
7) I guess that's it, I talk way too much, but you guys knew that already.
So that's my life, in a nutshell. At least for now anyway. I'm going out to search for job applications and I'm hoping for something fun and semi permanent, so wish me luck! Ciao lovies. xo Abigail
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Puzzled Pieces.
Sometimes God allows things to be broken so that they can be put back together the way He wants them to be.
. . .
"Life is a funny fickle thing" :)
xo Abigail
. . .
"Life is a funny fickle thing" :)
xo Abigail
Saturday, September 22, 2012
My New Season
It's 1:06am and I'm suppose to be at work tomorrow by 7:30 I honestly don't know how I do it. But I had to say something, anything about tonight. Even if the only one paying myself any mind was me. Tonight I went to church for the second day in what we call a Youth campaign. And God embraced me tonight in a way that was different than ever before, but still so familiar that it felt as if an old friend had come home. I guess that everything that I was going through seemed like such a big deal because I was focusing on all the wrong things. I wasn't looking at the bigger picture and what I needed to be in tune with was right under my nose. And now that I am seeing clearly I feel a little frustration for not seeing things sooner.
I came thinking I was going to be able to give you guys this detailed life changing description of how things have completely just changed in one night. But it was that amazing that I can't even put it into words. Because there simply are no words. God just is, and there's sometimes no way to say who and exactly how grand he is because he's just that. . .great. That word is not the right one and doesn not do him justice, but again, I'm at a loss for words here.
. . .
I guess I can just say that everything has turned around, at least for me. And it feels amazing. In God you find everything you need and he's given me my liberty back. The stars have alined and all I am and all I think I can be is thankful.
God bless you all and I hope that you all have a chance to experience the love that is only truly found in Christ.
xo Abigail
I came thinking I was going to be able to give you guys this detailed life changing description of how things have completely just changed in one night. But it was that amazing that I can't even put it into words. Because there simply are no words. God just is, and there's sometimes no way to say who and exactly how grand he is because he's just that. . .great. That word is not the right one and doesn not do him justice, but again, I'm at a loss for words here.
. . .
I guess I can just say that everything has turned around, at least for me. And it feels amazing. In God you find everything you need and he's given me my liberty back. The stars have alined and all I am and all I think I can be is thankful.
God bless you all and I hope that you all have a chance to experience the love that is only truly found in Christ.
xo Abigail
Friday, September 21, 2012
"If We Were a Movie"
I just caught up with last night's AWKWARD season finale and as always, it left an empty hole in my heart lol. No but seriously, I don't think I can wait till next season. It feels like next year is a lifetime away. But undoubtedly I'll be here waiting when that time of year rolls back around. Sometimes I feel a little self pity when I watch scripted teen dramas because they always make me want to live that characters' life. Whether it be that I have their wardrobe like Teddy Duncan from Disney's Good Luck Charlie, or maybe even Hannah Montana's double life (and for all of you wondering, yes, I still watch the Disney Channel). I just always seem to wish I was them. Even if the troubles that they go through are things that I have no idea how I would deal with, I always wish that it was me living them. Maybe I envy that they are actors or something but of course the reason why I desire such things are because those programs are designed to appeal to me. They were made for me to want to be these people but more importantly, for me to sit there and watch them.
And that got me thinking about what I would do if life really was like a television series. Would I react the same way? Would I have the same witty timing? I doubt it, but of course I think we've all been programed to know how to handle these situations. Not to toot my own horn, but I come up pretty good alternatives (and I don't know if I should count that as a good thing). I feel like, no, I know the media (whether we want to admit if or not) shapes at least some part of the people we are. Specifically us girls. The media tells us what to want, when to want it, how tall it must be and with how much flip in the hair, what color it should come in and which names we should spend our money on. Which if you ask me, is pure madness. Society controls our life and again, even if we don't want to admit it, we are totally defenseless.
When it comes to life we all wish for these unrealistic happy endings that won't ever come true. So excuse me for not wanting to be a Cinderella anymore and wanting more to be my own knight in shinning armor. Like the kickass princess every girl should believe she is. Instead of wallowing in my misery or waiting for magic (that doesn't exist) to fix my problems and fight my battles, I want to be the one who comes up with my own solutions and learns my own lessons. Just like Merida from Brave she basically validates everything I just said. She tries using magic (fail) and then needs to use her own courage and strength to overcome her difficulties. And not to mention she had no time for a prince, especially since the ones she had to choose from where so not on her level. And that's exactly how boys are these days. They just don't make them like the did in Cinderella's time. And so you're forced to take matters into your own hands. And that is something I respect.
Well that was a mouthful.
All I wanted to do was talk about Awkward and here I am rallying troops for society's view on women. Well let me be a martyr for my own cause. All I know is that I can't wait till I can deliberately waste my life away watching a life I would've loved to live, corny jokes and horrible timing included. By the way, I think if I was an Awkward character I would be Tamara, off the walls at times and living in her own world, but at the end of the day always a great listener and an honest friend. But, what do I know anyway. Right?
And that got me thinking about what I would do if life really was like a television series. Would I react the same way? Would I have the same witty timing? I doubt it, but of course I think we've all been programed to know how to handle these situations. Not to toot my own horn, but I come up pretty good alternatives (and I don't know if I should count that as a good thing). I feel like, no, I know the media (whether we want to admit if or not) shapes at least some part of the people we are. Specifically us girls. The media tells us what to want, when to want it, how tall it must be and with how much flip in the hair, what color it should come in and which names we should spend our money on. Which if you ask me, is pure madness. Society controls our life and again, even if we don't want to admit it, we are totally defenseless.
When it comes to life we all wish for these unrealistic happy endings that won't ever come true. So excuse me for not wanting to be a Cinderella anymore and wanting more to be my own knight in shinning armor. Like the kickass princess every girl should believe she is. Instead of wallowing in my misery or waiting for magic (that doesn't exist) to fix my problems and fight my battles, I want to be the one who comes up with my own solutions and learns my own lessons. Just like Merida from Brave she basically validates everything I just said. She tries using magic (fail) and then needs to use her own courage and strength to overcome her difficulties. And not to mention she had no time for a prince, especially since the ones she had to choose from where so not on her level. And that's exactly how boys are these days. They just don't make them like the did in Cinderella's time. And so you're forced to take matters into your own hands. And that is something I respect.
Well that was a mouthful.
All I wanted to do was talk about Awkward and here I am rallying troops for society's view on women. Well let me be a martyr for my own cause. All I know is that I can't wait till I can deliberately waste my life away watching a life I would've loved to live, corny jokes and horrible timing included. By the way, I think if I was an Awkward character I would be Tamara, off the walls at times and living in her own world, but at the end of the day always a great listener and an honest friend. But, what do I know anyway. Right?
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
Today I was the epitome of lazy. A sluggish cloudy day in the city and since I had no need for going outdoors, I didn't. And so I stayed in. .and did absolutely nothing aside from snack and give those looking for a new home my input while watching House Hunters on HGTV. So basically I became a couch potato. Right now I feel kind of useless because I didn't accomplish anything at all when I had plenty I could've done. Starting with cleaning my room and ending in a scarf I still have not finished. Since I can't go back in time I won't wallow in self pity instead I'll try to see the silver lining. I have church later and as you all know my faith is a huge part of my life (read posts from before). I grew up in a Christian household and thankfully have not strayed from my roots. I've been having loads of weird dreams lately that I think are lining up to mean something maybe divinely sent? Who knows yet but I guess believing in that sort of stuff is all up to interpretation.
On a different note I again feel like I might be at a standstill. I'm not too thrilled with my job right now even though my baby is #toocute (insert picture here. .for real. And I think I should get some brownie points for my Instagram reference)
See?!! Isn't he the cutest?!! I am his current Supernanny and he is honestly loads of fun. But my working arrangements, not so much. And since work is pretty much all I have going for me right now things for me get a little bland. It's just an unfortunate situation, the one I'm in. At least I am getting paid, which is really all that matters. And I deserve a raise, but then again, who doesn't think the same.
I'm jumping off the walls right now changing directions over and over again, but I have Lucy Rose serenading me in the background and it makes me feel a little sophisticated. Haha, at least this song, it sounds like something out of a movie. Maybe a sad yet inspiring scene. I don't know, maybe all I'm saying is jibber jabber. Once again thank you for coping with the jumble in my mind. Till our next chat, xo Abigail.
On a different note I again feel like I might be at a standstill. I'm not too thrilled with my job right now even though my baby is #toocute (insert picture here. .for real. And I think I should get some brownie points for my Instagram reference)
See?!! Isn't he the cutest?!! I am his current Supernanny and he is honestly loads of fun. But my working arrangements, not so much. And since work is pretty much all I have going for me right now things for me get a little bland. It's just an unfortunate situation, the one I'm in. At least I am getting paid, which is really all that matters. And I deserve a raise, but then again, who doesn't think the same.
I'm jumping off the walls right now changing directions over and over again, but I have Lucy Rose serenading me in the background and it makes me feel a little sophisticated. Haha, at least this song, it sounds like something out of a movie. Maybe a sad yet inspiring scene. I don't know, maybe all I'm saying is jibber jabber. Once again thank you for coping with the jumble in my mind. Till our next chat, xo Abigail.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
September Baby
It's been a couple weeks since I've graced you all with my thoughts and I guess I was being lazy. I should get some props though because for a while there I was on a roll. I don't have any specific angle here I just wanted to update about what was going on for me. Everything is pretty much the same and my emotions are mundane, and most days I don't really do much, except work. So I guess my life is pretty bland right now but I have a feeling that almost everything is about to change because, I'm pregnant. . JK! Good one huh, well now that I've got you're attention let me just fill you in on some of my favorites right now.

1) Awkward, of course. That should've been a given :)
2) CANDY CORN. Pretty self explanatory, I think anyway.
3) Forever21: i just went on a crazy shopping spree not too long ago, they have great stuff on SALE!
4)Performing artist Lucy Rose, look at that, even her name sounds sweet! She is the darlingest thing. I love her folk sound. I'm a sucker for indie and she fits the bill. Give her a whirl. Some of my favorite songs from her are: "Middle of the Bed", "Scar", "All I've Got" and "Red Face"
4)Performing artist Lucy Rose, look at that, even her name sounds sweet! She is the darlingest thing. I love her folk sound. I'm a sucker for indie and she fits the bill. Give her a whirl. Some of my favorite songs from her are: "Middle of the Bed", "Scar", "All I've Got" and "Red Face"
5) Autumn!! Who else is ready for the leaves to fall and the wind to pick up speed? I know I am. Summer is over, almost and I'm just so excited for it to be done!
6) On with female domination, another girly whose voice floods my ear stream, Alex Winston. Just the same she's a little indie flower child (anyone see a trend here?) But she leans more towards the pop side of things while Rose has a jazzier folk vibe. Regardless I love them equally. My favorite tunes by her are: "Sister Wives", "Locomotive", "Choice Notes (Acoustic)", "Medicine"
With the new season many things seem like they will have a new beginning and I'm willing. Willing to learn to grow and I'm completely open to change. So who knows, maybe in my next post I'll be different, maybe have won the lottery, have a new car or finally a boyfriend ;) . .KIDDING. Till next time fellow mateys. With the best of regards, Abigail.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Under the Weather
Today I woke up to a chilly room and a windy outdoors. Fall is in the air and I am very thankful. This year's summer was the most bipolar summer I think I've ever experienced. But now that school is here again and the heat is dwindling down I am thankful that the Earth is once more tilting axis away from that ferocious fire ball in the sky.
Aside from feeling a little colder, I'm in sort of a funky mood. I wouldn't say that I am feeling sad, but that's kind of what it feels like. I guess life is at a standstill. I am still looking for a new job so I don't really have anything really concrete to do yet. I just spend a lot of time writing and thinking about what to write. Hopefully things will look up pretty soon.
On a different note, I saw the season finale of Pretty Little Liars last night and WHOA, what a finale!! I did read up to the fourth book in High School but I never cared to finish the series because the fifth book sort of went on and on without there being any action so I put it down. I honestly feel like the series could have ended right after the fourth book with success, but I think Shephard went on till an eight book the last time I checked. So it seems like the liars can never catch a break. Regardless I have to give props to the writers of the show because they're doing a great job at completely ruing all of my suspicions with all the crazy twists. Now we found out that Toby is part of the A team as well. And honestly who in the world was Nate really? I was left a little confused (partly because I missed last weeks episode) but did Nate kill Maya? Like, seriously, who is he and why in the world was he so obsessed with Emily? And who is Landen (was that who Nate said he really was??!). All the unanswered questions!! I think I'm going to need to catch up on some episodes sooner rather than later. The next season commences on October 23 if I'm not mistaken, so I will definitely be on the lookout for when that starts again. Now the only other season finale I have to wait for is AWKWARD. Which to be honest I'm not looking forward to because when MTV finishes a season, it's not back till the following year (and that's a bust). Anyway till next time lovelies, I shall continue keeping you posted with everything important in my life or anything I feel needs to be said. Au revoir! <3
Aside from feeling a little colder, I'm in sort of a funky mood. I wouldn't say that I am feeling sad, but that's kind of what it feels like. I guess life is at a standstill. I am still looking for a new job so I don't really have anything really concrete to do yet. I just spend a lot of time writing and thinking about what to write. Hopefully things will look up pretty soon.
On a different note, I saw the season finale of Pretty Little Liars last night and WHOA, what a finale!! I did read up to the fourth book in High School but I never cared to finish the series because the fifth book sort of went on and on without there being any action so I put it down. I honestly feel like the series could have ended right after the fourth book with success, but I think Shephard went on till an eight book the last time I checked. So it seems like the liars can never catch a break. Regardless I have to give props to the writers of the show because they're doing a great job at completely ruing all of my suspicions with all the crazy twists. Now we found out that Toby is part of the A team as well. And honestly who in the world was Nate really? I was left a little confused (partly because I missed last weeks episode) but did Nate kill Maya? Like, seriously, who is he and why in the world was he so obsessed with Emily? And who is Landen (was that who Nate said he really was??!). All the unanswered questions!! I think I'm going to need to catch up on some episodes sooner rather than later. The next season commences on October 23 if I'm not mistaken, so I will definitely be on the lookout for when that starts again. Now the only other season finale I have to wait for is AWKWARD. Which to be honest I'm not looking forward to because when MTV finishes a season, it's not back till the following year (and that's a bust). Anyway till next time lovelies, I shall continue keeping you posted with everything important in my life or anything I feel needs to be said. Au revoir! <3
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Who am I really??
I know we're all way past the myspace age, but let's do a little reminiscing of those infamous questionnaires that I know we all used to partake in. I bet this seems a little bit tacky but I thought it'd be cute and I mean, who's cuter than me, right? :D Anyway let's jump right in!
1. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
2. Do you cut out coupons and never use them?
Yes! It's really a waste.
3. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees?
Hmm, both deadly, I think. But maybe bees, I could probably outrun them.
4. Do you always smile for pictures?
Yeah :) Tis pretty.
5. Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
Haha! I feel like such a nerd, yes and I always try not to step on the lines. Smh
6. Do you chew your pens and pencils?
No, I even tried turning it into a habit; didn't work.
7. What size is your bed?
Twin XL
8. What is Your song of the week?
Last one You Love- Goldhouse
9. Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?
The bank.
10. What do you dip a chicken nugget in?
BBQ sauce!!!! Yumm
11. What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
Ahh so many, but recently I rediscovered Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist & Napoleon Dynamite
12. Were you ever a boy/girl scout?
No, but I LOVE the coconut cookies.
13. When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
In April
14. Can you change the oil on a car?
No and I can't even drive.
15. Favorite kind of sandwich?
Philly cheese steak.
16. What is your usual bedtime?
Never. Like seriously, why am I on here at 2:03am? Think about it.
17. Are you lazy?
To an illegal level
18. When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?
I never celebrated it. I'm Christian.
19. How many languages can you speak?
Spanish, English and almost Italian.
20. Ever watch soap operas?
I'm hooked on one airing on Zee TV (Indian channel but I read the subtitles) "Jaihooooo!"
21. Are you afraid of heights?
Not anymore.
22. Do you sing in the shower?
23. Do you think musicals are cheesy?
Not at all. I've always wanted to break into song and dance and have everyone around me magically sing along.
23. Favorite type of fruit pie?
Apple, hands down.
24. What you wanted to be when you were a kid?
I swore on Acting.
25. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
Omg!! All. The. Time.
26. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
Why must I choosee??
27. Nike or Adidas?
Trick question.
28. Cheetos Or Fritos?
28. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
29. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
I've thought about it, but nothing comes to mind. I know what I'd wish he'd look like?! :)
30. Regularly burn inscense?
No, I prefer candles.
31. Tea or coffee?
Another trick question -______-
32. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
33. Which are better black or green olives?
I like both.
34. Can you knit or crochet?
I can knit, and I love it..
35. Best room for a fireplace?
Living room.
36. Do you want to get married?
37. Do you want kids?
Many. But, at least five.
38. Paperback or Hardcover?
"Hello my name is, Nice to meet you. I think you're famous, where have I seen you?" -Ready or Not; Bridgit Mendler
1. Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
2. Do you cut out coupons and never use them?
Yes! It's really a waste.
3. Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees?
Hmm, both deadly, I think. But maybe bees, I could probably outrun them.
4. Do you always smile for pictures?
Yeah :) Tis pretty.
5. Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
Haha! I feel like such a nerd, yes and I always try not to step on the lines. Smh
6. Do you chew your pens and pencils?
No, I even tried turning it into a habit; didn't work.
7. What size is your bed?
Twin XL
8. What is Your song of the week?
Last one You Love- Goldhouse
9. Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?
The bank.
10. What do you dip a chicken nugget in?
BBQ sauce!!!! Yumm
11. What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
Ahh so many, but recently I rediscovered Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist & Napoleon Dynamite
12. Were you ever a boy/girl scout?
No, but I LOVE the coconut cookies.
13. When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
In April
14. Can you change the oil on a car?
No and I can't even drive.
15. Favorite kind of sandwich?
Philly cheese steak.
16. What is your usual bedtime?
Never. Like seriously, why am I on here at 2:03am? Think about it.
17. Are you lazy?
To an illegal level
18. When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?
I never celebrated it. I'm Christian.
19. How many languages can you speak?
Spanish, English and almost Italian.
20. Ever watch soap operas?
I'm hooked on one airing on Zee TV (Indian channel but I read the subtitles) "Jaihooooo!"
21. Are you afraid of heights?
Not anymore.
22. Do you sing in the shower?
23. Do you think musicals are cheesy?
Not at all. I've always wanted to break into song and dance and have everyone around me magically sing along.
23. Favorite type of fruit pie?
Apple, hands down.
24. What you wanted to be when you were a kid?
I swore on Acting.
25. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
Omg!! All. The. Time.
26. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
Why must I choosee??
27. Nike or Adidas?
Trick question.
28. Cheetos Or Fritos?
28. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
29. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
I've thought about it, but nothing comes to mind. I know what I'd wish he'd look like?! :)
30. Regularly burn inscense?
No, I prefer candles.
31. Tea or coffee?
Another trick question -______-
32. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
33. Which are better black or green olives?
I like both.
34. Can you knit or crochet?
I can knit, and I love it..
35. Best room for a fireplace?
Living room.
36. Do you want to get married?
37. Do you want kids?
Many. But, at least five.
38. Paperback or Hardcover?
Overdue, Sort of
I really should think of taking the "favorite" out of these titles
because most of the time it's just quotes that are inspiring me right
then and there but anyway, here goes
As well as. . .
Day Three: Favorite Quote by a Famous Singer
.“I'm trying to learn how to listen to people and how not to think that this is all I am. It's not going to change the fact that at home I'm going to put away the clean dishes, and I'm going to have to be nice to my siblings. It encourages me, but it doesn't define me. -Bethany Dillon"As well as. . .
Day Four: Favorite Quote by a Famous Actriss
“I have come to realize making yourself happy is most important. Never be ashamed of how you feel. You have the right feel any emotion you want, and do what makes you happy. That's my life motto -Demi Lovato"Sunday, August 26, 2012
To tube, or not to tube?
I've been thinking, A LOT, since the beginning of last year actually, about turning to Youtube for some sort of personality release. Is that what it's even called? Anyway, yeah, I've been contemplating about sharing my pretty self with the world for a long time, (my modesty surprises me too :) but that requires so much work and dedication. Which don't get me wrong, I am willing to give, especially now that I have a break in my studies. Plus I won't have much to do since I'm quitting my job (don't I just sound like the most productive member of society??!). So, I would love to start the journey, but what am I going to talk about? I barely know what to type half the time, so imagine coming up with what to say. That would be all the more challenging. Regardless of the risk, I think I will venture off into the wild. I'll just have to be brave and hit the upload button and hope people start hitting subscribe. I'll make sure that I include my first video on here so all of you Abigail enthusiasts can get the first glance. I'm not as self righteous as this post makes me sound, I promise! Adieu ;)
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Day Two: Favorite Life Quote
This is something I stumbled across this morning and it resonated with me. It's a life lesson that I'm currently learning, and thought that some of you might need the nudge too. :T
Friday, August 24, 2012
Quote Challenge+Day One
So I found this tumblr challenge on a friend's old blog, and since I don't have tumblr, I shall dive into it here. There are the rules: 10 days, A quote a day.
01. Favorite Love quote
02. Favorite life quote
03. Favorite quote said by a famous singer
04. Favorite quote said by a famous actress
05. Favorite quote said by a famous actor
06. Favorite quote from a tv show
07. Favorite quote from a movie
08. Favorite quote to live by
09. Favorite quote of the day
10. Favorite quote of all time
I believe it's going to be difficult to narrow these down, so maybe I'll do multiples but who knows. *shrugs*
Yes, the Bible indeed was my inspiration. Just because Jesus is a boss like that and that is the true definition of love. The perfect love, which is God's love towards all of us. Amen :)
01. Favorite Love quote
02. Favorite life quote
03. Favorite quote said by a famous singer
04. Favorite quote said by a famous actress
05. Favorite quote said by a famous actor
06. Favorite quote from a tv show
07. Favorite quote from a movie
08. Favorite quote to live by
09. Favorite quote of the day
10. Favorite quote of all time
I believe it's going to be difficult to narrow these down, so maybe I'll do multiples but who knows. *shrugs*
Day One: Favorite Love Quote
"4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. (1 Corinthians 13:4-7)"Yes, the Bible indeed was my inspiration. Just because Jesus is a boss like that and that is the true definition of love. The perfect love, which is God's love towards all of us. Amen :)
I am Jenna
I'll admit, with absolutely no shame. Yes, I've been kind of obsessed with MTV's new series "AWKWARD." It is literally the most keen and sensible reenactment of stereotypical teenage life in America that I have ever seen. Although the situations and events that happen in the show are written to connect with a specific demographic (so maybe my opinion is a little bias) I feel like it really is a good show. It evokes all types of emotions and keeps me on the edge of my seat. The show follows the life of Jenna Hamilton, an essentially invisible girl at her school, until an accident that looks like a failed suicide attempt lands her a spot on the freak radar. She then is sent a letter from an anonymous "friend" that composed a list that challenges Jenna's identity and how she thinks of herself. It also of course, follows her love life, if that's what you can call it. Before the shows storyline (the summer before the school year) she hooks up with the schools hottest jock, Matty McKibben who then pursues a secret relationship with Jenna. Which she eventually gets tired of hiding and ends their affair at the end of the first season. She then later enters a relationship with Matty's best friend Jake which is based on lies because Jake knows nothing about Matty's previous relationship with Jenna. And of course, the worst thing of all is that Matty still has unresolved feelings for Jenna that he forces himself to bury all so that Jake has a fair chance. (Sigh, wow, that was a mouthful). In the beginning I was all #TeamMatty because I thought he would pull through for Jenna and even when she went for Jake, I still felt that Matty and her just made a cuter couple.
See?! But at this point in the game I have absolutely no idea what to think. And I know that pretty soon I'll be anxiously waiting the return of the series because I'm sure season two is almost over. And I hate when I miss an episode and MTV is all "video not currently available" when I try and catch up. Curse television!! It makes us all addicts and it does NOT help pay the bills. But I guess it's a little price we pay for entertainment. This was a complete tangent but I just felt very strongly to share this mini obsession of mine because maybe there are other fanatics out there who understand and if you are not one of us, then like they say; "if you can't beat them, join them."
See?! But at this point in the game I have absolutely no idea what to think. And I know that pretty soon I'll be anxiously waiting the return of the series because I'm sure season two is almost over. And I hate when I miss an episode and MTV is all "video not currently available" when I try and catch up. Curse television!! It makes us all addicts and it does NOT help pay the bills. But I guess it's a little price we pay for entertainment. This was a complete tangent but I just felt very strongly to share this mini obsession of mine because maybe there are other fanatics out there who understand and if you are not one of us, then like they say; "if you can't beat them, join them."
Creepy White Van
Yes, JUST, like the ones in the movies (and sometimes real life). Okay, so I probably shouldn't be blogging about something like this, but I just can't deal anymore. I just wish someone would clarify something for me: What exactly constitutes an inappropriate relationship? What are the limits? I know what the law states about all of it, but really, what are the limits?! Where can I draw the line?? Because honestly, I don't think that everyone has one. Like, seriously. (Speaking about relationships makes me feel like a certain Carrie Bradshaw, but ironically her column was about sex, relationships and promiscuity, when my topic in this post is completely the opposite) I don't really know any way to sugar coat this topic and the only reason I'm talking about it in the first place is because I'm getting grey hair because of this. I know someone who is playing with fire. I didn't know it was this serious till tonight, and didn't give it much thought because I thought that his maturity level was higher on the scale (OBVI, not so much). One of my friends is getting involved with someone much younger than us. She is one of our other friends little siblings. And this wouldn't sound as bad or even be as bigger a deal if their age difference was not as severe. She hasn't even turned fourteen and in a couple weeks he's hitting twenty. Now before you start freaking out like I did when he swore me to secrecy, just try and process the information for a bit, then see if you can justify the situation like he tries to. Saying things like, "she's mature for her age" and "blah blah blah". That's really all I hear because the way I see it, all this, is so, so WRONG. Let me know people, because this can't just be me. I love both of them dearly and haven't spoken to the younger counter part because I feel like the one who should know better is him. And let me tell you a little about him, he's a kind soul and sometimes he's immature for HIS age (which by the way is another argument I've heard. As if this somehow evens out the scale: she's more mature, he's less so viola! Um, not in MY book). But anyway, I don't think that he's in this for the wrong reasons. Trying to do inappropriate things with her or anything, but I just don't think he fully understands the degree of seriousness of the situation. And at this point I don't know what else I can say to make him stop. I know he thinks he has some kind of connection with her but I just can not believe that. They're at completely different points in their lives and there's no way that they can have a mature, concrete, intimate relationship. There's just no way. I just don't know how to get it through his head, especially because as I stated before, he should be knowing better. And I know he does but he's choosing not to. He's betraying her family's trust and the trust of all those around him for something that I know will not end well and probably won't last either. And I just don't know what to do because I care for the youngster like a sister and I feel that she's investing way more in this than he is, due to her age and to the fact that this is her real first encounter with a boy (or man, but I'll say boy because saying man makes me too uncomfortable) so I know that when this all ends (because I know that it won't last) she'll be devastated. And I will feel bad when the day comes. But I think I've done all I can do, aside from telling on them, which would not be my place, unless I found out that things got more serious than this, then I think I would be forced to. I just needed to get this off my chest to someone, so what better way to do so, right?! I just hope that things don't escalate any further than this and that reason hits them faster than word around the block travels. Sigh, that is all. Any words of wisdom? Don't be afraid to let me know. Love you all and thank you for letting me bear my soul. <3
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Mean Girls (and no, not the movie)
I honestly think the title says it all. Unfortunately I'm still dealing with situations just like the ones in the movie (and the worst part is that I'm headed to my second year of college). Crazy, huh? But I'm not even going to go into specifics because all the teenage drama that surrounds me is kind of unbelievable. I just don't know how long my passive nature can last. I believe I'm being pushed to my limits and I don't know if I'm going to run and jump off the edge, (or push someone off. . JK). But really, how much can you take before you burst? Before you fight back? By all means ladies, if you're being pushed around you should stand up for yourself, you have that right. But when does fighting back go too far? Become the bully instead of the bullied? For that I don't have the answer because I have not even begun bringing on the rain. I just don't know what to do. The sad part is that at this age all these things should not be a problem and most of the issue is just all common sense!! I'm usually the advocate for communication. I always say that you can't resolve any problem without speaking about it ('cause it's true!) But at this point I am simply at a loss for words, words would not be able to resolve. Plus I wouldn't even know where to start. Anyway I was just thinking about life, mine in particular and that happened to pass by my mind.
I just thought that when I got my diploma all these things would cease to exist, but I guess that would just be a perfect world. And even when you grow into adult life you still face these situations too. *shurgs* IT NEVER ENDS!! Smh. Over and out <3
I just thought that when I got my diploma all these things would cease to exist, but I guess that would just be a perfect world. And even when you grow into adult life you still face these situations too. *shurgs* IT NEVER ENDS!! Smh. Over and out <3
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Happy Sunday
I started a rant last night, but wasn't able to complete it. -____- I had so much to do around the house and I kept getting interrupted, so every time I returned I had to presume the thought process all over again. By the time I knew it, I had fallen asleep. I just had a mini rant there, because all I wanted to do was wish you all a great day and loads of happiness and love and everything good. *insert fuzzy feeling here* Well, I'm almost on my way to church, so I should scurry, but before:
Confession: I must say I'm a little Instagram obsessed (who isn't in this day and age). And these are some shots I've taken that bring me some peace, a little break from all the craziness. All parts of New York City that I've seen through a lens and just sighed in relief because such little corners of the universe really do exist. Anyway just have. . .better, CREATE a great day. Love you all<33
Confession: I must say I'm a little Instagram obsessed (who isn't in this day and age). And these are some shots I've taken that bring me some peace, a little break from all the craziness. All parts of New York City that I've seen through a lens and just sighed in relief because such little corners of the universe really do exist. Anyway just have. . .better, CREATE a great day. Love you all<33
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Best Friends Forever
She is and always will be a part of my heart and I am very blessed and lucky to call her my sister. I don't know, just a reminder to always love the ones you love with everything you've got. In the end it's all worth it.
Friday, August 17, 2012
Second Helpings
So maybe I came into this with the wrong information or the wrong set of tools, but I think my direction for this page has changed. Again. And this time I think it's for the better. I've been looking around, getting ideas and jotting down angles, and I do want this to be just as random and spontaneous (if that's the word) as I am. It's just that getting there has taken me more than just a little while. So this announcement is just to broadcast the current turn of events. I will be back soon, I promise.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
After thoughts
It's been soo long, I feel like every post has greeted you guys that way. But life has been kicking me where it hurts recently and it hasn't been easy. I've had no leisure time if any at all. And frankly, most of the time, I don't even know what to do with myself. But lucky you that a friend told me she read my blog (which reminded me I had one in the first place) and she was even so kind to say that I wasn't half bad *smiles at praise* I never really gave a second thought to my writing. Ever since I can remember, I just wrote everything down, and I think it's become more than a way to release emotion. It's my way of telling my story. It's one of the few things that only I have control over. The way I view my world. My surroundings. No one can get in my head. It's only me, my thoughts and of course, God. But writing it all down let's all of you join me on the ride, which is what makes my story important, gives me a chance to share the things I think about and the way I feel hoping that someone can recall the same emotion and smile knowing they're not alone. I'm not even going to go further with the subject because I'll end up ranting about the state of humanity again.
On another note, my personal life is in pieces, I feel anyway. And I'm not asking for pity or anything like that. Maybe empathy at most. For someone to give me an "amen!" cause we know this journey ain't easy!! All that's left for me to do is trust in God. And for me to try to pick up where the damage leaves off. But everything in its own time.
I just wanted to let you know that I didn't fall off the face of the planet. That's all for now. To all a goodnight
On another note, my personal life is in pieces, I feel anyway. And I'm not asking for pity or anything like that. Maybe empathy at most. For someone to give me an "amen!" cause we know this journey ain't easy!! All that's left for me to do is trust in God. And for me to try to pick up where the damage leaves off. But everything in its own time.
I just wanted to let you know that I didn't fall off the face of the planet. That's all for now. To all a goodnight
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